Many couples do not know where to start in planning a wedding ceremony. Below is a version of the typical wedding ceremony that you can use as a starting point. I am very flexible about including traditional and non-traditional elements, so feel free to discuss that.
Seating of Grandparents/Parents/other guests of honor
Mothers prepare Unity Candle/or Sand Ceremony
Pastor, groom (& groomsmen) enter
Processional – bridesmaids, ring bearer, flower girl(s) enter
Wedding March -- bride enters
Welcome & Introduction/Prayer
Giving of bride (Who gives...)
Couple moves to altar
Declaration of Intent (The “I Do’s”)
Pastoral Comments (usually from 1 Corinthians 13 in the Bible)
Unity Candle/Sand Ceremony (optional)
Pronouncement as husband and wife (By the authority...)
Presentation of groom & bride: Mr and Mrs ____________________
PS. Did you know that Amazon now does Wedding Registry? Why limit yourself to one or two stores. Click the link below to find out more.